Richard H. O'Kane

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Le contre-amiral de l'US Navy Richard Hetherington “Dick” O'Kane fut un commandant de sous-marin de l'US Navy durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il reçu la médaille d'honneur du Congrès (plus haute distinction militaire américaine) pour services rendus comme commandant de l'USS Tang. Il servit également comme Officier en second à bord du légendaire USS Wahoo. Il participa directement à la destruction de nombreux navires japonais, détenant le record de tonnage coulé avec 224.000 tonnes.



O'Kane est né à Dover, New Hampshire, USA le 2 février 1911.
Diplômé de l'Académie navale des États-Unis en Mai 1934 il a passé ses premières années de service actif sur le croiseur USS Chester, puis sur le destroyer USS Pruitt. Il suivi l'instruction sur sous-marins en 1938 et a ensuite été affecté à l' USS Argonaut jusqu'en 1942. O'Kane est promu lieutenant et rejoint le nouveau sous-marin USS Wahoo, en tant qu'officier en second sous les ordres du Commandant Dudley "Mush" Morton.
En juillet 1943, le Lieutenant O'Kane est détaché du Wahoo pour superviser la phase terminale de construction du Tang. Il en prit le commandement en octobre 1943. Il fut particulièrement novateur et mis au point plusieurs tactiques opérationnelles dont l'attaque de nuit en surface lui permettant de conserver l'initiative de l'engagement.

In five war patrols, O'Kane and Tang sank an officially recognized total of 24 Japanese ships, establishing one of the Pacific War's top records for submarine achievement. Several times during the war he took the Tang into the heart of a convoy and attacked ships ahead and behind while cooly steering clear of escorting combatants—counting on Tang's relative position, speed, and low profile to keep clear of enemy escorts. He and the Tang also performed laudably on 'Lifeguard Duty', which was a practice of positioning one or more submarines off an island to be attacked by planes of the Fast Carrier Task Forces to be in a nearby close-in 'ditching station' in position to rescue downed pilots. Off Truk he and the Tang rescued 22 airmen in one mission taking some interesting risks in the process and setting an all-time record which earned a Presidential Unit Citation (US).

The Tang and O'Kane's third patrol, into the Yellow Sea, ranked first in the war patrol records for number of ships sunk in a single patrol. O'Kane claimed 8 ships at the time but post war analysis increased this to 10 ships. On one attack he had targeted 2 large ships with 3 torpedoes each and assumed 3 hits in each. Japanese records actually reported 2 hits in each with the 3rd of each spread hitting smaller ships in the next column. This surpassed the next highest patrol which was for the USS Wahoo, with O'Kane as XO, in the same area the year before.

He was captured by the Japanese when his boat was sunk in the Formosa Strait by its own flawed torpedo (running in a circle) during a surface night attack on October 24, – October 25, 1944, wherein he lost all but eight of his crew, and was secretly (i.e. illegally) held prisoner until the war's end some ten months later. Following his release, Commander O'Kane was awarded the Medal of Honor for his "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity" during his submarine's final operations against Japanese shipping.

Commander Richard H. O'Kane being congratulated by President Harry S. Truman.

In the years following World War II, Commander O'Kane served with the Pacific Reserve Fleet as Commanding Officer of the submarine tender Modèle:USS, testified at Japanese war crimes trials, was Executive Officer of the submarine tender Modèle:USS and was Commander Submarine Division 32. He was a student at the Armed Forces Staff College in 1950–51 and was subsequently assigned to the Submarine School at New London, Connecticut, initially as an instructor and, in 1952–53, as the Officer in Charge.

Promoted to the rank of Captain in July 1953, O'Kane commanded the submarine tender Modèle:USS until June 1954 and then became Commander Submarine Squadron Seven. Following studies at the Naval War College in 1955–56, he served in Washington, D.C., with the Ship Characteristics Board. Captain O'Kane retired from active duty in July 1957 and, on the basis of his extensive combat awards, was simultaneously advanced to the rank of Rear Admiral on the Retired List.

O'Kane died in Petaluma, California at the age of 83. <ref>Modèle:Cite news</ref> He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Section 59, Grave 874.<ref></ref> His wife was recently buried beside him in the Arlington National Cemetery. There is also a movie in the making, which is about his life.Modèle:Fact


In addition to the Medal of Honor, O'Kane received three Navy Crosses, three Silver Stars, the Legion of Merit with "V" device for valor, the Purple Heart and several other decorations. He wrote books about his service on Tang and Wahoo, entitled Clear the Bridge!: The War Patrols of the USS Tang and Wahoo: The Patrols of America's Most Famous World War II Submarine, respectively.

Admiral O'Kane was also awarded the American Defense Service Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with 9 battle stars, World War Two Victory Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. He was also retroactively entitled to the Prisoner of War Medal and the Combat Action Ribbon.


In 1998, the Modèle:Sclass USS O'Kane (DDG-77) was named in honor of O'Kane.

Citation de la médaille d'honneur du Congrès


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Tang operating against 2 enemy Japanese convoys on 23 October and 24 October 1944, during her fifth and last war patrol. Boldly maneuvering on the surface into the midst of a heavily escorted convoy, Comdr. O'Kane stood in the fusillade of bullets and shells from all directions to launch smashing hits on 3 tankers, coolly swung his ship to fire at a freighter and, in a split-second decision, shot out of the path of an onrushing transport, missing it by inches. Boxed in by blazing tankers, a freighter, transport, and several destroyers, he blasted 2 of the targets with his remaining torpedoes and, with pyrotechnics bursting on all sides, cleared the area. Twenty-four hours later, he again made contact with a heavily escorted convoy steaming to support the Leyte campaign with reinforcements and supplies and with crated planes piled high on each unit. In defiance of the enemy's relentless fire, he closed the concentration of ship and in quick succession sent 2 torpedoes each into the first and second transports and an adjacent tanker, finding his mark with each torpedo in a series of violent explosions at less than 1,000-yard range. With ships bearing down from all sides, he charged the enemy at high speed, exploding the tanker in a burst of flame, smashing the transport dead in the water, and blasting the destroyer with a mighty roar which rocked the Tang from stem to stern. Expending his last 2 torpedoes into the remnants of a once powerful convoy before his own ship went down, Comdr. O'Kane, aided by his gallant command, achieved an illustrious record of heroism in combat, enhancing the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.

See also





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